Saturday, January 23, 2010

my baby is back!! ;D


setelah lebih kurang 2bulan baby aku pergi bertarung nyawa utk terus berkhidmat atau tpaksa disemadikn atau mendermankn organ2nya...akhirnya my baby kuat semangat utk terus berjuang mempertaruhkn nyawa dan menepis sgala virus2 yg semakin aktif di laman sesawang..hu3..yea!! i love u baby...really miss u!! Glad u'r here now, back with me ;D

aku akan make sure my baby mempunyai persiapan yg ckup utk lebih kuat menahan virus2 siber..setelah lebih 8 tahun menabur bakti kepada kami sekeluarga, aku amat bangga kerana my baby kuat!! yea!! go baby!! go baby!! hu3...

~thanks to ayah yg sudi menghntar my lappy ptg td kepangkuanku di shah u ayah!! LOVE...

~thanks to ira, my lil sis yg bagi aku pnjam lptop dia wat sementara wktu sehingga kembalinye my u too ira!! thanks dear...hu3

...aku yg sgt hepi sbb my lappy dh blik..yea!!...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

never knew i needed

For the way you changed my plans
For being the perfect distraction

For the way you took the idea that i had
of everything that i wanted to have
and made me see there was something missing...

For the ending of my first begin *ad-libs*
(And) For the rare and unexpected friend *ad-libs*

For the way you're something that I'd never choose
but at the same time something i don't wanna lose
and never wanna be without ever again...


You're the best thing I never knew I needed
when you appear i had no idea...

You're the best thing i never knew i needed
so now it's so clear i need you here, always...

Verse 2-

My accidental happily (ever after)
The way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)

I must admit you were not a part of my book
but now if you open it up and take a look
you're the beginning and the end of every chapter...


You're the best thing i never knew i needed
when you appear i had no idea...

You're the best thing i never knew i needed (that i needed)
so now it's so clear i need you here, always...


Who knew knew that I could be...
So unexpectedly...
Undeniably happy (yeah)
With you right here, right here next to me...


You're the best thing i never knew i needed
when you appear i had no idea...

You're the best thing i never knew i needed (that i needed)
so now it's so clear i need you here, always...

...Now it's so clear, I need you here always-

...aku yg jiwang sekarang nie...ho3...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

antara bernafas segak dan bernafas semput

Bernafas segak

secara officialnye semalam, aku mule melayari laman sesawang dengan bernafas segak mgunakn laptop (sbelum ni gune hset je..hu3)..aku mule mendapat kekuatan..setiap gerak dan langkah ku atur dengan penuh cermat agak mood excited aku tidak trganggu...

at last...aku dpt online dgn skrin yg besar...ha3..

aku menggunakan laptop setelah lebih sebulan tidak menyentuh laptop...

hepi sgt!!!
tp,sori beb xleh excited sgt...why???

lptop pinjam je sis yg punye,smentara dia xgune awal2 sem nie dia bg aku pinjam (luv u ira) lgpun dia tak thn kot everyday aku asyik cal dia n cm org sasau...ha3...sabarye ira,nnti bile laptop old skol akak dh siap dibaiki, i will return this laptop 2 u dear :) no worries k..

xlupe...really thankful to ayah (luv u so much!!) sbb tolong hantrkn all my book yg perlu digunakn kembali also statutes..etc..
thanks ayah!! ipah syg ayah bangat!!


Bernafas semput

pagi nie, dengan semangat yg membara utk g fac tk discussion relating all works that need to do since due date seme dis coming monday, lepas solat subuh xtdo (takut terlajak..hi3..) baca case civil tk presentation nxt week..selak2 skit opinion writing..criminal assingment..
time ni relaks lg bru kul 9 am...

kul 9.45 a.m aku dh ready nk g...suddenly, aku try2 buka pintu xleh..ah,sudah..pehal lak ni..cube try test lg, still xleh..ghupenye roomate aku terkunci pintu aku..means,selak kat pintu tue dia kunci..aku dh gelabah bewak..terkurung aku dlm bilik nie..abis seme org aku cal..yg bestnye,time nie lak seme housemate aku xde kat umh...sabaujela..

last2,aku call landlord aku..aku dh bernafas semput...aku rasa oksigen di keliling diriku semakin berkurangan...owh,tidak!! "tolongla pkcik dtg umh sewa jap sya kene g fac ni"..lbih kurg ayatnye cmtue la..hi3..dlm 45minutes, pkcik umh sewa selamatkn aku..aku dh trgelak2...lawak di pagi sbtu..akhirnya aku berjaya ke fac tp bukan dgn mudah kerana parking penuh smpai ke CK jd aku park kt kenanga,bapak jauhnye..aku btul2 bernafas semput..smpai opis, terus minum air..ha3...

tp still hepi sbb at least dpt gak settlekn 1-2 keje yg kene submit nextweek..ameen...
cyalah heikal & associates..ho3...

tue je..wish u all hepi2 sokmo!! wslam

...aku yg kejap bernafas segak jap bernafas semput...hi3

Thursday, January 7, 2010

i can't live without u..

i cant live without u lptop..urggh,br dpt call dr abg aku kta lptop ayhku yg aku pnjam mtherboard rosak..hmbek ko! N kne cri yg bru tk fit ke old skol pnye lptop..payah2 sbb abg aku kta dia dh try cri keliling jb xde..owh,tdak! I cant imgine my life without lptop..aduyai..


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