hrinie sbtu bersamaan 28 Ogos 2010..cuti ye dis week cuti lama sikit sbb smalam nuzul quran so sgor cuti..kire cuti pjg la..hi3..erm..sbnarnya bkn cuti topik utama saya..topik utama saya ialah........................->
blaja dr kesilapan..
actually, since aku stat chmbering until work more to litigation..erm,rasanya yg lebih tepat mmg aku ONLY deal with litigation matters...its ok pn sbb aku mmg xbpe minat sgt conveyancing lawyers kat firm tue kata better blaja wlaupun sikit time chambering coz during 9months ni la nk blaja sgalanya selagi leh nampak gayanye memg aku akn totally under litigation..hi3..xpe pn sbb conveyancing dpartment cm ngeri je..staf2 nye ngn dat department amat mengerikan..ha3..why?? sorry, no comment please..kwang3
so, since aku dh under litigation so aku akn deal with most of the litigation biasela summons, pod, writ of seizure n sale, sepina n macm2 lgi..mujur de mentor aku yg sgt berkebolehan..thanks kak pada suatu hri aku diberi tugas utk prepare summon..erm,dalm ati kata owh summon..xdela rasa tnsen pun sbb sebelum ni aku dh penah pn wat summon n diapprove leh dis file pelik sikit sbb client xleh nk provide all the related invoices..erm..tnye pnye tnye senior ltigation clerk suh call aku pn call wlaupn nervous tahap gaban sebb client ni bermacam2 rgam..hu3..aku call dia dah agk hangin sbb kata ktorang delay nk wat summon dia..the problem we cannot proceed coz related invoices not with us..aiyaa..sush mau explain sama ini org..fine, perbualan kitorang lebih kurang..cmni la..:-
me : hello, afternoon my i speak to ms joyce please..??
receptionist : who's there?
me : efa from TKS & Co..
receiptionist : ok, wait a minute..after few minutes.....
me : hello, ms joyce, im efa form TKS & Co. regarding your claim against........actually we are now preparing summon for your claim but we faced some problems..we noted that there are a lil bit differences between the amount stated in the statement of acc and the invoices itself..why?
ms joyce : owh, the def had made some payment to that...
me : so can you forward to us the documents that shows all this transaction..??
ms joyce : aiyaa..its been a few years could i provide to you the documents??
me : but, ms joyce we afraid that we will facing problems with ur claim in future...
ms joyce : ei, previously our company facing same situation, but our claim still success what..!!
me : but i think u still need to provide all related documents..
ms joyce : i said earlier kan yg i can't provide u with all related documents..!!
me : nver mind la ms joyce, i will talk to my lawyer and will contact you again..tq..
ms joyce : already hang up the phone...
urgggh...dis women had no manners!! org nk tolong dia layan cm hampeh..siot je...
dah, aku mls nk ckp..aku ckp skit pnye baik, lemah lembut..berbudi bahasa skali dia leh jawab cm hampeh kat aku..ei..aku kalu ikot ati mmg nk letak je phone tp agak2 ar tmpat aku tue tul2 depan bilik 2nd bos..mampuih den kalu wat cmtue sbb pe?? customer is always rite.!! rite la sgt...!!
ok, da abis cite psl client..aku pn prepare summon..actually dah dkat sebulan lebih kot tertangguh.dulu dia xforwardkn invoices just bg statement of pny call, minta pnye minta nk dekat 3minggu bru dpt invoices tue seme..abis cmne..bile lmbt kata lawyers saje delayed mkn duit client..ei xpahm tul aku...skrg cite pasl summon lak, 2nd bos kata kat aku efa why lama sgt prpare saman for this file? pg2 da kene marah..aku pn explain, nak takot pe setiap yg aku wat aku catit siap date time bile aku call client, invoices mane yg problem..amount mane yg slah n dia bkn nk dgr ckp aku pn..biarje la aku just print sbb dia kata nk rfer to my master..fine..aku print je la..
elok lak few days after dat, file yg sma blik pada meja aku..ei, bukan nk bg depan2 duk main letak2 atas meja lak..yg aku hangin je, aku dah kata saman ni bkn finalize sbb problem ngn invoices so draft pn aku dah print highlight mane yg spatutnye..dia gak suh print bile aku kata cmtue..tetibe...ape yg aku dapat adalah.......>

nie actually kos2 yg berkaitan..ade ke tnye soalan how to get dis amount..elllo aku refer la subordinate court rules..xknla aku nk sedap2 je letak..aiyaa..takkn dah print nk tulis kot kt sebelah tue..i got dis amount from subordinate courts rules page....aiyaa amoi...

nie pling lawak..aku dh byk kli refer kat diorg time nk wat saman nie n key in invoices2 ni..diorg kata mmg wajib de 4column suddenly pe yg aku dpat blik?? komen yg sgt membina..ha3
erm..sekian..actually bkn nk kata aku nie btul tp style firm aku chmbering nie mmg kene melalui pelbagai counter kastam ye yg perlu dilepasi sblum leh aku wat dono jela..dahla xgtau checked by whom..takot ke pe..tapi ape yg aku wat?? jeng3...
aku saje je, pg2 aku dpt blik docs nie aku tunjuk kat mentor aku la kn, senior litigation clerk yg pantau aku..dia terkejut tgk cmtu gya sekali, so aku tau bkn dia yg wat..lgpun aku tau hand writing akak tue cmtue..fine aku blek pnye belek dah tau sape..amoi yg cerdik lgi berwibwa PA my mster..yg aku pelik, dia pnye tugas xdepn kaitan ngn aku pnye tugas = litigation matters la nk wat cmne..bile masa dia amik docs nie pn aku tak tau..sabr jela..aku wat psiko je, gelak2 tgk pe yg dia komen..ha3..
itulah kisahnye..seriously, i'm eager to learn as many as i can during my chmbering..but please give others some respect ^^, rupenye gosip pnye gosip amoi nie mmg kalu leh sme keje org dia nk tgk..sukeati la wei..lgi byak keje dia kot..hi3..yg penting aku wat keje aku n siap on time..teeet....
itulah kisahnye..seriously, i'm eager to learn as many as i can during my chmbering..but please give others some respect ^^, rupenye gosip pnye gosip amoi nie mmg kalu leh sme keje org dia nk tgk..sukeati la wei..lgi byak keje dia kot..hi3..yg penting aku wat keje aku n siap on time..teeet....
okei..wslam..see u all next time kalu aku rjin..ha3...have a nice day!!
....aku yg kene kebal ketika chmbering n wat yg terbaik!!....
moga Allah berkati n permudahkn urusan aku..ameen...