slam..erm..aku br pas abis tgk aqso n madina..episod ke 73 xsilap aku..aku mmg minat drama indon ni..yela,dulu time praktikal minat giler tgk soleha..skrg mnat aqso n madina..jln cite dia mmg best pn,means tk leh dijangka ar..yela,mule2 ingat confirm madina n aqso will be together endingnye..tp ikram kawin ngn madina lak..aqso n safira..ish2..wpun berbelit2 n terlampau dipjg2kn (as usual,drama indon kalu xpjg berjela episod nye mmg xsah..) tp bile dh episod hrnie abis td aku dh mule confius..cmne la ending cite nie..ish,time aku mule madina n ikram...leh lak jd cmtue..argggh....rite now aku tensen,yela esk dh stat bertolak g kl sbb nk reg lusa..means aku akn missed 2 episod cite nie...dei..byk tue tertinggal..mak aih..tp ape leh wat..itulah realiti kehidupan..ye tak??? (ade kaitan ke?? hu3)
arggh...bile nk abis citer nie..(still repeating) smpat ke aku tgk endingnye..wpun aku really hope tht at the end of this story aqso n madina will be together but hows they will together make me really confius..hu3..laaayann..yg penting aku rsa mmg xsmpat rsanya nk tgk ending cite nie..in personal,rs tensen tp xpela..cepatla habis...xkisahla ending aqso n madina ke x yg penting hepi ending for all couples in this drama..hu3..the best part is,aku search kt internet,lst episod this drama is ep132..ha,hambik ko..apela dia nk cite lg nie..ahaks..laaayann..
dn yg penting,my dude harlino dlm nie mmg pergh...angau aku..ha3..dhla alim + comei lak tue..ei..goram den nengok nye..astghafirullahalazim (mengucap3..) terlebih excited lak aku nie...ha3
...aku yg terlbih pk psl drama nie...
(ptt ke?? disaat mber2 aku pk psl LLB..)
arggh...bile nk abis citer nie..(still repeating) smpat ke aku tgk endingnye..wpun aku really hope tht at the end of this story aqso n madina will be together but hows they will together make me really confius..hu3..laaayann..yg penting aku rsa mmg xsmpat rsanya nk tgk ending cite nie..in personal,rs tensen tp xpela..cepatla habis...xkisahla ending aqso n madina ke x yg penting hepi ending for all couples in this drama..hu3..the best part is,aku search kt internet,lst episod this drama is ep132..ha,hambik ko..apela dia nk cite lg nie..ahaks..laaayann..
dn yg penting,my dude harlino dlm nie mmg pergh...angau aku..ha3..dhla alim + comei lak tue..ei..goram den nengok nye..astghafirullahalazim (mengucap3..) terlebih excited lak aku nie...ha3
...aku yg terlbih pk psl drama nie...
(ptt ke?? disaat mber2 aku pk psl LLB..)