Friday, August 28, 2009

the lucky laki

the lucky laki yg 'wow'

erm..aku suke dgr lgu band nie (bkn superman)..funky2 skit..hi3..mule2 aku dgr aku tpk sapela nnyi lagu lagu ni ssuai tk fun2 la..ghupenye lgu ni lgu the lucky laki and the best things is band ni tdiri drp ank2 ahmad dhani (dewa)..

aku suke tgk MV lgu swit memories wif ank2 dia..n seriously, their talent had really impressed me..kecik2 dh jd play keyboar, drum n guitar...suke la aku tgk..dh la cute..hi3..

random info n pics of the lucky laki..

The Lucky Laki adalah sebuah band yang dianggotai oleh anak2 gitaris Dewa19 iaitu Ahmad Dhani. The Lucky Laki popular dengan lagu mereka yang berjudul “Bukan Superman”. Lagu ini dicipta sendiri oleh Ahmad Dhani untuk anak-anaknya.

El (pemain drum + vokal)

Al (gitaris + vokal)

Dol (vokalis utama + pemain bass)

...aku yg suke tgk bdk2 ni jamming...cute sih!!...

bkn semua..

bkn semua org macm kite..

bkn semua org paham apa yg kite fikir..

bkn juga semua org pahm exactly keadaan kite...

and the best part is, bkn semua org suke kite ;p

krana kite xleh wat org suke kite..jd just b yourself dear..anything happen in future just b strong..insyaallah.. Allah Maha adil n Maha mengetahui..mgkin ade hikmah setiap yg berlaku n mgkin ade hikmah tk kite menilai kekurangn diri sndiri...bcoz,nobody is perfect...wallahulam..

jdi..please share wif others if anything wrong..bcoz sharing is caring rite ;p

*trying so hard to blame mysefl b4 blame others*

am i being to emotional??? arggh..really hate dis feelings..

really sorry to anyone who hd effected bcoz of me..sorry guys..

...aku yg rs sapela thn ngn aku nie.hu3...

*im already miss him like crazy*

hujan yang turun...

tetibe teringat lgu sudirman hujan...erm..pastu ingt band hujan...semenye berkaitan dgn hujan..

xde pe,ptg smlm dpt good news dr our OM..class cta cncel..hi3..hepi sgt sbb pe?? erm..written submission de kene edit skit2 lg..xpractice lg..insyaallah..moga Allah permudhkn segala urusan..ameeen...

subject matter psl hujan kn..ok,since clas criminal abis kul 4 aku pn nk chow dulu la..first planning aku n mar g bazar seksyen 7..elok2 aku dh dlm fikiran g seksyen 7 mar bg idea g stadium..bazar kat stadium..dh lame sbnarnye aku promise nk bw diorg g bzar yati n ptg td yati hbis clas kul 6, dia nk stayback wat aku xtpikir nk g stadium..setelah pk2,aku pn stuju..time pg tue ok je cuaca..xprasan nk ujan..elok on the way tue ujan...pdhal dh smpai parking stdium tue ha..sabar je la...dugaan di bulan pose...

aku bw skali yun n yani..sblum jejak bazar msg2 remind kat diri yg kata thn nfsu nk beli juadah ape jadi?? wlaupun hujan..tetapi hujan yg trun tidak mlemahkn smangt ktorg tk pusing2 kat bazar tue..dgn tempias nye..hujan yg turun juga tidak dpt mengelak ktrg drpd beli skan juadh..yela seme nmpak sedap..

tau pe juadah ktrg smalam??
-nasi beriani dging
-roti john special
-sata n plut pnggang
-cndwan goreng
-ikan pari bakar (wat shur)
-rendang dging (wat shur)

kesudhnye..byk la duit abis kat bzar stdium wlaupun hujan..erm..kalu xujan mau berhbis duit lg..astagfirullah al azim..insaf2..

on the way blik,jammed xhengat..setiap jln kot jammed..aku dh tnsen..dhla sejuk kene ujan,menggigil gak la aku drive..sbb sejuk..nk buke tingkap ujan jd on aircond..last2 aku yg ketar..hu3..byk kete serius,mmg pengalaman yg bru bg aku yg amatur nie n im really appreciate it bcoz i learn to drive in raining + jammed + s.alm= really menguji kesabaran aku n skill aku..alhmdulillah slamat pulang..wpun dh berbakul2 ayt2 kurang molek kuar dri mulut aku mengutuk driver2 yg amik lesen trbang..erm..tul la ckp my mom,rmbut sama hitam hati lain2 kn..wallahualam..

*tq to mar,yani n yun being patient wif me*

...aku yg dpt pengalaman bru n puas hati dpt mkn something new...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

hepi ramadhan...

hepi ramadhan to all muslim around the world..

moga ramadhan kali ini mberi sribu kerahmatan kpd kita semua..insyaallah..ameeen...

...cubelah utk bykkan amal ibadat di bulan mulia ini..
(remind myself also)

ssungguhnya Syaitan diikat ketika ramdhan,
jdi nilai lah diri sndiri ketika ada niat tk melakukan perkara yg kurang baik..wallahualam...

..aku yg sgt berharap ramdhn kali ini :
mberi seribu kerhmatan n kesdaran serta kesbaran mghadapi dugaan...

siti nurjannatul..

~siti nurjannatul fadila mohd firdaus~

slm..aku hepi sgt hrni..wlaupun aku memksa diri tk blik s.alm awl (bdget nk studi la) tp aku still in hepi mood..bkn sbb pe,sbb semalam ayh aku dtg amik aku kt s.alam n straigth trus g visit my sis yg bru deliver her 2nd baby kat ampang...bby gurl..its ok,its gurl long as she is healty ;p

my new niece nie namanye siti nurjannatul fadila binti mohd long rite her name...erm,nama kesinambungan her sister la, nama 1st child my sis (refer to their mom@ imah) nie, siti nurjannatul fateha so her sis also had similar name just a little bit different at the end of their names..instead of fateha,change to fadila..if not,their will share the same name..hu3..

whatever it is, i hope she will become a good gurl in future..insyaallah..moga kami semua diberkati Allah swt in our life...ameeen...

random pics of teha n cute!!!

ape yg teha gelak tue...mak ndak nk join gak..hu3

...aku yg hepi dpt ank buah bru..
(akn kedengaran suara2 bby bru di hari raya kali nie..hu3)

Monday, August 17, 2009

thnx god i found them...

really thankful to Allah swt bcoz give me a chance to know them..
all dis people are great..may Allah bless you all..

~budi yg baik dikenang juga~
*******attn to : heikal,mar n kak d*******

no need to be hypocrite need to jealous wif need to pretend that u'r good need to underestimate others..

u just need to be yourself and know ur limit ;)


..please don't bring ur BLS's attitude here guys, im sure u know what i mean rite..hu3

...aku yg cube meredakn mood yg terumbang-ambing~

p/s: its better for u to ignore me rather than being like hypocrite person....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

enough is enough..

please grow up guys..

no kids here rite...

so, please grow ur mind n think like adult...

please!! please!! please!!

its already half way of our journey guys..don't make things worse k..

-its all about our thinking-

.....aku yg dh muak ngn seme bende ntah pe2 nie.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009



terjebak gak aku ke dunia facebook..setelah sekian lama di war2kn oleh mber2 aku..bru skrg tergerak ati nk involved dlam dunia facebook..hu3..

wpun dulu aku pernah memberitahu mber2 ku yg im not really interested wif all dis thing tp akhirnya aku trjebak juga..siapa yg ptt dipersalahkn dalm hal ini??

sp aku??

firmates aku??

housemate aku??

adik aku??

aku sendiri??

jwpannye..confirm2 la aku sndiri..aduyai..diorg cume persuade aku je,aku je yg,aku joinla facebook nie..

yg menariknye..aku dh mule addicted to dis thing..abisla..most of the time asyik fcebook time, please dont teach me any technology afraid later i will addicted to all dis things..hu3..AND also afraid that it will affected my commitment to my firm ;p (pergh,ayt xleh blah..ahaks..)

just want to say...welcome to the club dear...

...aku yg dh ade acc facebook...ha3

Saturday, August 8, 2009

walaupun untuk 30 minit..

td dlm kul aku dtg shah alm...actually the main reason is to give me my convo letter..
smbil tue,hntar kipas..
(mklumlah blik yg aku sewa kt umh nie xde kipas,so kene bli stand fan la kn..)

..saat manis kini tiba lgi..hi3..mak,ayh, adik aku( irah )n ank buah aku (teha) dtg jenguk aku..bestnye...sbb aku nie cpat sgt rindu kat nk kata mengada ke,manje ke..its not my problem bcoz only me n my family know who i am..rite??? hu3..layaaan...

walaupun hnye tuk 30min diorg dtg jenguk aku tp itu dh cukup bermakne sbb dpt lepskn rindu..erm..suke sgt bile teha nmpak aku bka pintu dia pgil aku..mak ndak!! mak ndak!! mak ndak!! ei...germnye ngn teha...

ape2 pn thanks to my family yg dtg jenguk aku..sori sgt xdpt join nk g knduri kawin kt melaka esk..actually im really interested to join them..but,what can i do?? i need to settle down my things..a lot of things i need to settle..xpela,lain kali ye ipah join..rindu nk mkn nasi minyak..hi3..

the best part is,my dad forgot to pass the convo letter...kwang3..its ok ayh,its make you all need to come here again tomorrow to pass that letter..hi3..

love u all la..muah!! muah!! muah!!! ngee ;p

..aku yg syg my family..

Friday, August 7, 2009

oppa again and again...

...eunhyuk oppa..


...u r my everything... oppa always in my heart...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ape ni???


aku bosan...

tak tau nk watpe...


sbb aku bosan...!!!!


...aku yg bosan skrg nie...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

takut je lebih..

pnyela takut nk present article tort clas kul 2 last,xsempat pn..

sabar je mmg takut nk present..damn nervous..why?? coz every grup yg ktrg tnye semenye comes wif different stories bout their grup presntation wif mdm Norila..

takpela,its ok..but next two weeks my firm kene well prepared la..sbb ktrg the only firm yg xpresent lg..hu3..

chaiyOo Heikal & Associates!!! ngee ;p

...aku yg xilang lg nervous clas tort td..ahaks...

Monday, August 3, 2009

lawak King..hu3

sbar jela..ktrg pnyelah kelam-kabut mnyiapkn file convey..dr pg td,seme firm kat ofis ktrg bertungkus lumus mnyiapkn file...

and then,u know what happen???

most of the lecturers need to attend an event at DSB..something la berkaitan Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor..i dunno what exactly happen there....erm..but the best part is..the submission of convey's file will be postponed..hu3..


lor..wat gempak je ar..hu3..sabar je la..


yg bagusnye skurang2nye satu subject dh siap..ameeenn...

aku yg rs bgus gak siap awl keje wpun xtau btul ke x..hu3...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

convey owh convey...

ei..bile nk siap convey ni..dr cuti smpai hri nie..ahad (2nd august) xsiap2 lg..hrine dh Ahad ok,esk dh kene submit..kwang3..

kat ofis nie,hnye firm ktorg je yg dtg...smata2 nk siapkn convey..pening daaa...refer senior pnye pn ader yg slah..argggh...owh convey yg ku u la convey..

dr kul 8 pg ?(aku dtg 8lbih,hu3..) smpai saat skrg dh kul 12 lbih..still TAK SIAP2 CONVEY...baru berape documents yg kene wat..

just wait n see la kn tomorrow time kene submit..


chaiyOo efa..!!

p/s: bru convey, contract,tort, s.a, civil xbaca lg..hambik ko..argggh...

...aku yg dh pening+blur+tensen bile pk psl convey ni....


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