pnyela takut nk present article tort clas kul 2 last,xsempat pn..
sabar je mmg takut nk present..damn nervous..why?? coz every grup yg ktrg tnye semenye comes wif different stories bout their grup presntation wif mdm Norila..
takpela,its ok..but next two weeks my firm kene well prepared la..sbb ktrg the only firm yg xpresent lg..hu3..
chaiyOo Heikal & Associates!!! ngee ;p
...aku yg xilang lg nervous clas tort td..ahaks...
sabar je mmg takut nk present..damn nervous..why?? coz every grup yg ktrg tnye semenye comes wif different stories bout their grup presntation wif mdm Norila..
takpela,its ok..but next two weeks my firm kene well prepared la..sbb ktrg the only firm yg xpresent lg..hu3..
chaiyOo Heikal & Associates!!! ngee ;p
...aku yg xilang lg nervous clas tort td..ahaks...